viernes, 21 de octubre de 2011

Saturday October 15 – Day of Reading

                For my 20th century literature class we had to read San Manuel Bueno, mártir. I just switched to that class on Monday afternoon, it starts at 8:30 in the morning, I had the same class but it was at 4:00 and I wanted to have it earlier. We had a day off Wednesday so I only had the class on Friday, the teacher had assigned the book on Monday, and therefore I had to read all of it over the weekend. There are 168 pages but the main part of the book starts on page 115 and I did not have to read that stuff before the main part. I started reading it and there were a lot of words that I did not know and I did not understand it at all so I looked up an overview of the book and it started to make more sense. I am also practicing reading out loud to work on my pronunciation of words and it has actually been helping me understand it better. I am starting to enjoy reading it because I can slightly understand it and I have been learning a lot of new words.
                My American friends that I met in Lagos, Portugal, but study in Córdoba came with their program on a visit of Granada so I met up with them and we went to El Camborio. They left early, around 3:00, because they had to get up in the morning. I made friends with a Spanish girl and we talked Spanish in the discoteca and I was very happy because I can now have a conversation in Spanish with loud music everywhere.

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