viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2011

Wednesday September 7 – Churros y Chocolate

                After class Adam, Kevin, Rachel P, and I went on a walk around Granada with intent to find the tennis courts at the area where Trevor and I had recently searched. We found them very easily this time. On our way back we passed by a restaurant that had a sign for churros and chocolate, fried sticks of bread with sugar and a cup of hot chocolate. In retrospect we found it to be a bad idea because it was hot outside.
                It was Marcela’s birthday today so we went to the discoteca called Granada 10. It was a great time, I was planning to leave at 1:00 or 2:00 but whenever our group goes out together we lose track of time. We ended up leaving that place at 4:30. I also met a girl from Nebraska that goes to Doane that knows a lot of Beatrice people; I thought that was a weird coincidence.

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